Active Assailant Emergency Preparedness
Emergency Preparedness and Guidelines
Training and emergency exercises are fundamental components of a comprehensive school safety preparedness program and should incorporate many activities. These activities should blend direct instruction (training and walkthroughs) and experiential learning (drills and exercises) methods. This blended approach helps develop the knowledge and skills necessary for a school’s response to all hazards.
In an effort to increase positive student and staff outcomes following training and drills, Maryland enacted legislation, Maryland House Bill 416, 2024 Session (Chapter 182), that specifically prohibits schools from using techniques that simulate an active assailant scenario. These banned techniques include simulated gunfire, explosions, and individuals acting as intruders. Additional MCSS requirements were enacted within the bill, which have led to the development of the following resources and initiatives.
Register a Concern about a Lockdown Drill
The form linked below is intended to provide a means by which an individual can provide information to Maryland state officials related to a school active assailant drill or training that they believe is traumatizing.
Information provided will allow state officials to engage with local school personnel. As outlined in the statute, the Center, after consultation with the Maryland State Department of Education shall make the final determination as to whether the component complies with the requirements.
Click here to submit a Lockdown Drill concern.