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FY2025 MCSS Grants​​

The mission of Maryland Center for School Safety (MCSS) is to promote and enhance safer school communities. This is done through various training, grants, and community outreach programs. 

There are four different grants available in fiscal year 2025. They include the Hate Crimes Grant, the Safe Schools Fund Grant, the School Resource Officer Grant; and the School Safety Grant Program. These grants are open to Local Education Agencies (LEAs), local law enforcement agencies, non-public and private schools, and childcare centers in Maryland. The eligibility requirements for each grant may differ. Review each grant's Notification of Funding Availability (NOFA) for more information. 

Select the Grant type for more information.

FY2025 Available Grants

For past grants and offerings, check the Grants Archive page. ​

External Resources

The above links are not affiliated with the Maryland Center for School Safety. For all inquiries regarding the above programs and grants, please contact the authoritative agencies. ​​


Frequently Asked Questions on MCSS Grants:​​

My organization qualifies for more than one grant. May I just submit one application for all grants?


No. A separate application is required for each grant.

My organization qualifies for the Hate Crimes Grant; but we have multiple locations that are impacted by hate crime incidents within the State. Can we submit one application for all the locations?


No. MCSS will accept applications for multiple locations. However, one application must be submitted for each eligible location.​

Will my application be reviewed on a first come first serve basis?


No. Except for the non-competitive grants, all applications will be reviewed after the submission deadline.

My organization is a local education agency. How do I know how much I am eligible to apply for under the Safe Schools Fund Grant or the SRO Adequate Coverage Grant?


Since these are not competitive grants, the allocation for each local education agency is determined by statute and provided in the NOFA for each Grant. Please refer to the “Allocation” section in the Safe Schools Fund Grant NOFA for the allocation amount per local education agency. Refer to Appendix 1 in the SRO Adequate Coverage Grant NOFA for each jurisdiction’s allocation.​

How can I check the status of my application?


Except for the non-competitive grants, all applications received will be reviewed after the deadline for each grant submission has been reached. Generally, an entity can expect a notice of grant award approval/denial within thirty to sixty days after the deadline for submission has been reached. 

Please refer to the “Important Dates” section in your NOFA for more information. You may also reach out to directly to the MCSS Grants Management team via email at mcss.mcss@maryland.com.

How do I know if my organization is eligible for a particular grant?


Please refer to the “Eligibility Criteria” on the NOFA to confirm if your organization is eligible to apply.​


When should I expect my notice of approval or denial?


Generally, an entity can expect a notice of grant award /denial within thirty to sixty days after the submission deadline.​​​

Why do I need to submit a W-9 when I applied and received an award in the past?


This is to ensure that MCSS has the most accurate organization EIN and address on file to allow proper disbursement of invoice payments.​​

Can my organization still apply even though I may have received funding for this grant in the past?​


Yes. All applications that meet the eligibility requirements will be considered.

Would I be able to amend my grant after it has already been approved?


Yes. In order to amend or realign grant funds, please fill out the Grant Realignment Request form under Post Award documents available on our website. All relevant support documentation for the request must be attached.  

When can I submit my invoices or reimbursement requests?


Depending on the type of Grant, invoices may be submitted on a quarterly or bi-annual basis. Awards deemed not in compliance will result in invoices not getting paid. Proof of completion of work must be included with all submissions.​

Is this a multi-year grant?


No. Funds allocated through this grant are only available for use in the fiscal year in which it is granted. Refer to NOFA for the specific grant performance period.​

Can I withdraw my application? What if I was already approved?

Yes. An application may be withdrawn. Please send an email to mcss.mcss@maryland.gov​ to withdraw your application.

You may also request to cancel an application that has already been approved for which a NOGA was not provided. Please send an email to mcss.mcss@maryland.gov​ with request.

An award which has already been approved with a NOGA issued, may be terminated by one or both parties with written notice.  If the award is terminated before the end of the funding period, an accounting of the year-to-date expenses must be provided within 30 calendar days after termination.

Who owns the equipment purchased with the grant funds?


Grantee owns the title to equipment purchased with grant funds; however, it is important to note that the equipment must only be used by the program or project for which it was acquired.​

Is it considered “double dipping” if I receive funding from another state agency for the same type of grant?


Yes. While eligible entities are encouraged to apply for various State grants, it is important to avoid submitting duplicate requests to various agencies in order to solicit awards. The State will require a full payment from any grantee deemed to have obtained multiple State grants for the same project. This could also result in an entity not being eligible to apply for any State of Maryland issued grants.​

What is acceptable as proof of payment if I do not have copies of the cancelled checks?


Additional forms of proof of payment may include the bank statement or credit card statement with dates and payment amounts highlighted.  If payment is made via ACH, submit a screenshot of the bank name, payment date and the amount.  ​​

When do I use the “Adjustment” line on the invoice template when submitting a request for reimbursement?


If you are submitting a reimbursement amount more than the grant award amount, use the “Adjustment" line on the invoice template to adjust the invoice amount down to the award amount.​​​​

When completing the required compliance reports, do I need to submit both the 4th Quarter Progress Report and the Final Project Report?


Yes, both the 4th Quarter Progress Report and the Final Project Report should be submitted.  The quarterly progress report provides grant activities completed during the quarter.  The final project report closes out the grant and allows you to request a reimbursement.​​

What if I have more questions after reviewing the NOFA?


You may reach out to MCSS by sending an email to mcss.mcss@maryland.gov​​.