
Conference Logo

 School Safety Conference

​​Call for Speakers

PREpare 2025: School Safety at the Quarter Century​​​​

​​​July 16th  & July 17th, 2025

​​@ Turf Valley Resort, Ellicott City, Maryland

This year's PREpare 2025 Conference will be an unparalleled opportunity for educators, safety professionals, law enforcement, and community leaders to come together and examine the evolution of school safety over the past quarter-century. This milestone event will focus on the lessons learned from past experiences and pivotal advancements, paving the way for innovative approaches to enhance school safety in the future.  

MCSS seeks dynamic and knowledgeable keynote and breakout session speakers to share strategies for leveraging the lessons learned over the last 25 years to inspire future school safety approaches. Speakers at PREpare 2025 will provide valuable insight into the current and future school safety landscape through sessions that focus on, but are not limited to, the following topic areas:

  • Evolving Threats and Challenges - It is important to analyze how threats to school safety and the strategies used to address them have changed over time. It is also important to recognize what approaches are no longer considered best practices, dispel erroneous beliefs, and remain current with evolving strategies.

  • Innovative Safety Technologies - Explore technological advancements that enhance safety, from physical security measures to digital tools.  

  • Policy Impact- Discuss the role of legislation and policy in shaping safe learning environments and how they can lead to action-oriented growth in the future.  

  • Mental Health and School Safety - Highlight the intersection of social, emotional, and mental wellness and school safety, focusing on preventative approaches that support students and staff.​

  • Public-Health Informed Approaches- Showcase partnerships and public health-informed school safety solutions, identifying and addressing root causes.  ​

Speakers are encouraged to consider using case studies to teach and share information. Proposals are being accepted for both keynote sessions (90 minutes) and breakout sessions (50 minutes).​

​Submission Deadline : 5pm Friday, February 7th, 2025

MCSS's Conference Committee will select proposals using a review process that considers several factors, including theme alignment, content relevance, and techniques for engaging the audience. ​​

​Click here to submit a proposal.​ ​

Privacy Disclosure: The information you provide will be used to evaluate your application to speak at the PREpare2025 Conference. By completing the submission proposal form you understand that your personal data will be protected in accordance with Maryland's privacy policy. If you complete the form on behalf of another person, you confirm that you are authorized to make the submission on their behalf and to ​provide MCSS with the nominated speaker’s personal information.


Frequently ​​​​​ Aske​​​d Questions​

​Who should​ attend?​

Education Administrators, Teachers, School Psychologists/Guidance Counselors, School Security Employees, School Resource Officers (SROs), Law Enforcement, Local/State Emergency Ma​nagers, Fusion Center Analysts, Crisis Intervention Units, Counselors & Mental Health Specialists, School Social Workers, School Safety Professionals, and other school safety stakeholders.

How many people from our organization should attend the conference?

We suggest that at least two people from an organization attend in order to maximize your experience and have the ability to attend multiple breakout sessions. 

Is the conference open to the general public? 

Yes.  However, priority registration is given to State partners and educational staff that interact with our schools.  Therefore, you may be waitlisted to ensure everyone is accommodated. 

Are vendors permitted to attend or exhibit at the conference?

No. The Maryland Center for School Safety is a State Agency, not an association.  Therefore, we do not permit vendors to exhibit or attend our conference. Registration is monitored and any registrations identified as vendors will be canceled. 

Will there be pre-conference events leading up to the conference?

Yes. Information on these events will be posted and shared when available. 

Where is the conference?

The conference will take place at the Turf Valley Resort in Howard County, Ellicott City, Maryland.

When is the conference?

The conference will take place from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. on both Wednesday, July 16, and Thursday, July 17, 2025. MCSS will also offer a pre-conference event on Tuesday, July 15, 2025.  

Will there be an event on Tuesday evening?

Yes, more information coming soon. 

Is there a fee to attend?

No. There is no cost to attend our conference.

Will meals be provided?

Yes. Lunch will be provided daily for conference attendees and a Continental breakfast will be provided on the last day of the conference.

Will hotel rooms be provided?

Unfortunately, MCSS is only able to provide hotel rooms to conference presenters; however, attendees can book their own room(s) at Turf Valley Resort by clicking here or calling 410.465.1500 or 888.833.8873. 

Will Continuing Education Credits be offered to those attending the conference?

MCSS is currently exploring these options and will provide more details as they become available.

Is there a capacity limit for the conference? 

Yes, the conference is limited to 500 people. Once registration has rea​ched its limit, all additional requests will be waitlisted.

Is there a deadline to register for the conference? 

Registration information coming soon.  

How do I register to attend the conference? 

Registration information coming soon.  

How do I submit a proposal to present at your conference? 

The call for speakers for the 2025 conference is open until on Friday, February 7, 2025.  You can use the link above or submit a proposal by clicking​ here