
 Advisory Board


​The Maryland Safe to Learn Act of 2018 (Senate Bill 1265) was signed into law by Governor Hogan on April 10, 2018, and it significantly altered and expanded the role of the Maryland Center for School Safety. The legislation established the School Safety Subcabinet, and School Safety Advisory Board. The Subcabinet serves as the regulatory authority and as the governing board of the Center, and its members are identified in statute. The Advisory Board serves as counsel to the Subcabinet.​


The Advisory Board serves as counsel to the Subcabinet. The Governor selects the Chair from the current Advisory Board membership. The Advisory Board represents a number of agencies and stakeholder groups, and they are as follows:

  • Dr. Maria Navarro, Public School Superintendents' Association of Maryland​​​​​
  • ​Katherine Klausmeier, Maryland State Senate​​​​​
  • Eric Ebersole, Maryland House of Delegates​
  • Karin Bailey, Maryland Association of Boards of Education​​
  • Dr. Kellie Anderson, Coordinator of Psychological Services, Anne Arundel County Public Schools
  • Pamela Gaddy, Maryland State Education Association​
  • Jacquetta Lavon Jacobs, Parent of a Public School Student
  • Natalie Miller, Secretary's Designee, Department of Human Services​
  • Vincent Schiraldi, Secretary, Department of ​Juvenile Service
  • Sheriff Matthew Cr​isafulli, Maryland Sheriffs’ Association
  • Chief Paul Kifer, Maryland Chiefs​ of Police Association
  • Laurel Moody, Maryland Institute for Emergency Medical Services Systems
  • David Engel, Maryland Coordination and Analysis Center
  • Zaria Naqvi​​, Maryland Association of Student Councils
  • Dr. Sharon A. Hoover, Center for School Mental Health
  • Megan Berger, Disability Rights Maryland​
  • Joseph Cormier, Parent of a Child with Disabilities
  • Thomas E. Alban, Representative of a Non-Public School
  • Gina R. James, Representative of a Nonpublic Special Education School
  • Sgt. Kevin Britt,​ Representative of SRO appointed by the Maryland Association of School Resource Officers
  • ​​​Michael Brown, Representative of School Principals​
  • Dr. Tia M​cKinnon, Director of Special Education, Charles County Public Schools
  • Leigh Weihs, MPH, CRNP Maryland Assembly on School-Based Health​
  • Carol Ellen Johnson,​ Representative of School Bus Drivers​​​

​Student Voice​

The Maryland Center for School Safety (MCSS) Student Advocate for School Safety Program (SASS) members work closely with the advisory board, providing feedback and recommendations regarding school safety issues. To learn more about SASS, please visit the Student Voice page​.


Advisory Board Agenda and Minutes

Meeting Documents from Agenda 2025

Meeting Dat​e​
​ Agenda 
Meeting Trans​cript *
​ Documents and Archived Video
February 3​


May 5

Meeting Documents from Agenda 2024​

Meeting Date​
​ Agenda 
Meeting Trans​cript *
​ Documents and Archived Video
February 5

March 4
Mar - Agenda
Mar- Video
​June 3​
June - Agenda

J​un​e - Video
​October 7
Oct - Agenda
Oct- Video​
​December 2
Dec - A​genda
Dec- Video

Meeting Documents from Agenda 2023​​

Meeting Date
​ Agenda 
Meeting Transcript *
​ Documents
and Archived Video
February 6​

March 6​​​
Mar - Agenda
Mar - Transcript
Mar - Video 
​April 3​

​May 1​
​​May - Agenda
May - Transcript
May - Video
​June 5
Jun - Agenda

Jun - Video
​October 2​ Oct - Agenda
Oct - Video
​December 4​​
Dec - Agenda

​Dec -Video​

Meeting Documents from Agenda​ 2022

​Meeting Date
Meeting Transcript *
and Ar​chived Video
No Meeting

​February 7
​​Feb​ - Agenda​
Feb - Archived Video
​March 7
​April 4
Apr - Agenda
April - Archived Video
​May 11​
May - Agenda
 May - Archived Video
​No Meeting​​
No Meeting
No Meeting
No Meeting
October 3
​November 7
​​Nov-Archived Video
​December 5
Members of the public are invited to attend and observe any open meeting session but may not participate in the session unless the meeting agenda specifically includes a section for public testimony or comment.​
Please be advised that some Advisory Board minutes and footage may move into a closed session, if needed, pursuant to Maryland Code, § 3- 305 of the General Provisions Article.​​

View archived Advisory Board meeting agendas, minutes, and documentation prior to the CY 2022.​

* MCSS has used a third party to prepare an accessible transcript of these meetings. This transcript has not been checked, proofread, or corrected by MCSS, and thus MCSS assumes no liability for any errors or omissions during transcription. Should you find any errors, please send them to admin.mcss@maryland.gov for review.
